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lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Even when promoting freedom, love and self acceptance we can feel like there is something about us that needs fixing or improving.

I tend to think I should practice more or harder, or that I should eat healthier, or that I should respond differently to certain events, or that I should like different things, or that I should look better, or that I should dress differently. I try to remind myself that I am ok the way I am, that I am doing the best I can from where I am and with what I have and that there is no need to label what I do or how I live with any stereotypes, but truth is I constantly feel like something is off with myself.

From where I stand; and that does not necessarily has to be your case or opinion, fulfillment takes work, it takes effort and it does not happen just because. It demands you to stay positive, to stay true to yourself and to others, and to appreciate your qualities more than you judge your faults.
Of course I can improve a ton of things about myself, but that doesn't make me damaged or incomplete, it makes me real. Neither it does to you.

Forcing ourselves into something different just to fit in a molde will surely not make us feel any more satisfied. Instead, digging into the new sincerely and naturally might permanently make a positive difference.


Swimwear: @patiyaswimwear

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