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lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

I constantly feel like I have to push circumstances in order to make things happen. I really find it hard to just let go and trust that what is meant to be will find a smooth way to come into shape, at the right time

Whether it is a desire, a goal or an asana; not only I start over planning and anticipating any minor detail related to it, but I also don't let other people (usually my husband) do their part of the job at their own rhythm. I might think I am helping but I am actually hindering  the course of events

Surrendering is so hard. Finding the balance between doing what needs to be done and trusting the process is so subtle that it sometimes hides between determination and anxiety

Some days or months I feel strong and flexible and balanced but some others everything feels out of place, hard to reach, akward, painful or even impossible. It is like riding a roller coaster of getting better and stepping back at the same time. I really come to question whether I am just doing it all wrong or it is just the way it is

I guess I will have to learn to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride 🙏


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